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A Latino Young Professionals group in North Texas that goes beyond the professional.

C3 Latino Young Professionals (C3LYP) - Joel Gomez, Paloma, Ara Grimaldo, and Gerardo Barrera

Introducing C3: Latino Young Professionals

C3LYP is a Latino Young Professionals group aimed at cultivating a dynamic community of Latino Young Professionals and allies in North Texas, providing a comprehensive Latino ecosystem where comunidad, cultura y cambio (C3) connect.

C3 Latino Young Professionals (C3LYP) - Kimberly, Alberto Garcia, Ara Grisaldo, Paloma, Christian

C3 Latino Young Professionals (C3LYP) - Comunidad, Cultura, Cambio
We're introducing and fostering a new COMUNIDAD (community) for young Latinos in North Texas and its allies to form meaningful connections, share insights, and forge a new version of success aligned with our unique aspirations.
C3 Latino Young Professionals (C3LYP) - Daniela Ramirez and Ana Garza
C3 Latino Young Professionals (C3LYP) - Comunidad, Cultura, Cambio

From career advancement, mentorship, networking, and financial literacy, we provide expected resources for Young Professionals, but our programming goes deeper by integrating our rich CULTURA (culture) into our curated programming, prioritizing thought-provoking conversations, mental health and overall well-being.

C3 Latino Young Professionals (C3LYP) - Efrain Vera, Christian Marquez, and Alicia Serrato

C3 Latino Young Professionals (C3LYP) - Comunidad, Cultura, Cambio
By fostering an empowering a Latino ecosystem for Latino young professionals in North Texas, honoring our heritage and fostering meaningful relationships, we aim to drive economic and social CAMBIO (change) through strategic unified advocacy efforts for our generation, and generations to come.

Upcoming Events

Cafe Con Compas

Café Con Los Compás

A group of Latino young professional guys meet once a month on a Thursday morning to discuss local political and social issues for the betterment of the Latino community in the Dallas area.

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She3 Junta 

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from real estate expert Jaime Eagleson, gain insight into purchasing a home, and network with other mujeres in an intimate setting curated for relationship building!
C3 Latino Young Professionals (C3LYP) - Comunidad, Cultura, Cambio, Daniela Ramirez and Ana Garza
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